Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions outlined herein shall govern any activity you might engage in on Remote Works Unlimited LLC’s website: digiloss.com.
By creating an account on our website and enjoying our services, you hereby acknowledge and agree that you are entering into an agreement with digiloss.com and you forthwith pledge to respect the stipulations that form these Terms and Conditions.
digiloss.com reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any point and without prior-notice. Any future modifications become valid upon publication on digiloss.com and it is your responsibility to check back periodically with this section of our website in order to make sure you agree with the latest revised version of digiloss.com’s Terms and Conditions.

Age restrictions
You must be of legal age (as applicable in your jurisdiction) to access all the features and services provided by digiloss.com. If you do not meet this criteria, please refrain from using this website.

Lawful use
Once you have accepted the Terms and Conditions, you are hereby provided with a restricted, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to view digiloss.com content and to use website Services solely for your personal and non-commercial purposes. Any commerce-orientated activity on this website is prohibited. Any reproduction, transmission or broadcast of digiloss.com content is forbidden unless you have been issued an express written authorization to do so by digiloss.com representatives.
The authorization to use digiloss.com copyrighted content may be revoked at any given moment at our sole discretion. Once the consent to use copyrighted material has been retracted, you are under legal obligation to immediately remove all content belonging to digiloss.com from any and all means of broadcast.

User submitted content
digiloss.com supports and encourages user participation and member submissions that can improve our online community by making it more interactive and engaging. Users submitting content need to abide by the following guidelines in order for digiloss.com to ensure a safe and enjoyable online environment. Users are prohibited from posting defamatory, harmful, offensive, mean-spirited, profane, racist, menacing, intimidating, obscene, sexually aggressive, sexually suggestive or off-topic comments, as well as any type of content that might disable, overload or otherwise impair digiloss.com such as uploads containing viruses, Trojans, malicious codes or any type of infectious malware. Our site moderators are constantly reviewing user-posted content.
Comments that do not follow the above-mentioned guidelines are immediately deleted. Please note that recurring violations of these stipulations may lead to account termination and a ban on your IP address. All the information you provide when creating an account on digiloss.com must be accurate and valid. You are hereby prohibited from impersonating another entity or from forging another online identity.
By submitting material to digiloss.com you grant digiloss.com a license to further copy, distribute, transmit and display your content on our media channels and a sublicense without any material obligation and financial endorsement from digiloss.com.

Your digiloss.com account
Digital Meal Plan One Time Via Email
By placing your order you will be receiving a one-time standardized monthly low caloric meal plan in PDF Format via email for digiloss.com for $1.99 and will charge you $1.99 You should receive the meal plan in the email you entered after purchase. If you have any questions with the product, please call 888-908-3630 or email to [email protected]. Customer support is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any concerns, refunds, returns or cancellations. Charges on your credit card statement will appear as 8889083630DigiLoss.com.

Customized Meal Plan with Our Personal Diet Plus Access to Portal
I am at least 18 years of age and agree to the Terms and conditions & Privacy policy. By clicking the Complete purchase button and submitting this order, you agree that your card will be charged $28.99 today and then every 30 days automatically until cancelled. Before each charge, atleast 3 days prior, we will email you to confirm your intent on staying with our site. You will be given the chance to cancel or you can cancel anytime by visiting our cancellation link at the bottom of this site. We will then immediately send your personalized meal plan via email. If this product is not right for you or you have any questions, please contact customer service with any questions by calling [email protected]. Customer Service is available Monday through Sunday 24 hours a day. Charges will appear on your credit card statements as digiloss.com. Thank you for your business. An email will be sent prior to your account being charged for the monthly subscriptions.

Digital Success Meal Plan Portal Access Monthly
By placing your order you will be subscribing to a Month by Month Plan that is regularly curated for  digiloss.com  for $89.95 from the date of purchase, and every 30 days automatically thereafter until cancelled. Before each charge, atleast 3 days prior, we will email you to confirm your intent on staying with our site. You will be given the chance to cancel or you can cancel anytime by visiting our cancellation link at the bottom of this site. You should receive access to our platform in the email you entered after purchase. If you have any questions with the product, please call 888-908-3630 or email to [email protected]. Customer support is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any concerns, refunds, returns or cancellations. Charges on your credit card statement will appear as 888-908-3630.

Easy Cancellation
For easier cancellation, you may use the easy cancel button located on the footer

Membership Cancellation
If this product is not right for you or you want to cancel your membership, or you have any questions, please contact customer service with any questions by calling 888-908-3630
Following this you are the solely responsible for protecting your password and you hereby agree to be considered liable for any digiloss.com activity completed via your account, regardless of whether you have authorized it or not. If you suspect someone has gotten hold of your password, please let us know by contacting us via phone at 888-908-3630 or email at [email protected].

We do not inquire about user’s passwords so if you receive such a s request please contact us immediately via 888-908-3630 or email at [email protected]. You may deactivate or delete your account on digiloss.com at any time and without being required to provide a reason for your decision.
We reserve the right to block access to your account without prior notification. This action may occur at any time and for any reason, without digiloss.com being held liable to you or another third party. Any user activity that is in violation of these Terms and Conditions grants digiloss.com the right to terminate your user account at our sole discretion. Any account that appears inactive for more than 90 days is eligible for removal.

Disclaimer and limitations of liability
digiloss.com and all its materials and services are offered “AS IS”. Should you experience dissatisfaction with our services or usage policies, the best solution is to interrupt the use of digiloss.com. digiloss.com issues no warranty or representation of endorsement either express or implied, and provides no assurance, to the full legal extent permitted by our jurisdiction, that the online environment we offer our users is fully functional or that its services and features will perform uninterrupted and as described at any given moment.
Without any restriction being applied to these Terms and Conditions, we are not to be held accountable for any inaccuracies, malicious code, performance errors, service failures or system lapses derived from your use of digiloss.com.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are fully taking on the risk related to the quality, responsiveness, timeliness, competence, comprehensiveness, precision, legitimacy and security of all the features of the online environment provided by digiloss.com.
digiloss.com is entirely dedicated to entertainment, recreation and social interaction purposes. digiloss.com features and games do not generate any material value and cannot be exchanged for money or other money equivalents.

This policy becomes effective June 1, 2022.


Remote Works Unlimited LLC


 3775 E P True Pkwy #133 West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 United States (US)
[email protected]

Copyright 2022 © Remote Works Unlimited LLC, All Rights Reserved.